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Program Description

Well-written thrillers are always an excellent way for writers to show Hollywood pros a combination of commerciality, unique voice, and a clear understanding of effective feature film narrative. We're here to break down the walls between your talent and the industry pros looking for the next great thriller writer!

Companies considering our winners and top finalists include Grindstone Entertainment Group (a subsidiary of Lionsgate), MadHorse Films, Magnet Management, Zero Gravity Management, and Morningstar Films.

Deadlines and Fees

Mar. 01, 2025
Mar. 22, 2025
Apr. 12, 2025
May 03, 2025
Standard Fee

Program Benefits


  • $300 in prizes
  • Full winning script sent to Hollywood literary representation and production companies
  • Included in annual Best of Competition spotlight in industry newsletter with a featured bio on the writer and the winning screenplay
  • Free Script Listing package from our sponsors at InkTip, where additional producers can find your project
  • 1 Free Pitch to Industry Insiders on VPF



  • $100 in prizes
  • Featured logline sent to Hollywood literary representation and production companies
  • Considered for annual Best of Competition spotlight in industry newsletter with a brief bio on the writer and the winning screenplay
  • 1 Free Pitch to Industry Insiders on VPF



  • Loglines sent to Hollywood literary representation and production companies
  • 1 Free Pitch to Industry Insiders on VPF



    • 1 Free Pitch to Industry Insiders on VPF (1 per writer)

Success Stories


CRAWLSPACE named Top Finalist in BREAKING WALLS Contest

Jacob Wehrman
CRAWLSPACE, a contained thriller set in the moody Pacific Northwest, has placed as a Top Finalist in Round 4 of the 2019 Breaking Walls Thriller Screenplay Contest.

Ted Campbell's UNRAVELLED Finalist Breaking The Wall thriller contest

Ted Campbell - Director, Screenwriter
Ted Campbell's psychological thriller UNRAVELLED is a finalist in Round 3 of Breaking The Wall's thriller contest.

Announcement Dates


May 31, 2025

Sponsors and Associations

Inktip Virtual Pitch Fest

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept physical entries by mail?
No. We prefer to keep it green and only accept scripts electronically in PDF format.

Can I enter a script that was submitted to other contests or festival screenplay competitions?

Can I enter more than one script?

Can I enter if I've won a previous Breaking Walls contest?
Yes, but only with a different script. We won't allow the same script to win repeatedly but the writer continues to be eligible.

Can I enter if I live outside of the United States?
Yes, as long as your script is written in English.

Can I enter a script that's longer than 160 pages?
This is not recommended. All else aside, it's generally accepted that scripts over our maximum page count very likely need to be tightened up - especially one that's meant to be a thriller. Most producers and reps prefer thriller scripts that are concisely written - quick and punchy yet intensely visual. Visual doesn't mean flowery and over-descriptive. It's not a novel. It'd usually be in your best interest to cut it down if your thriller currently exceeds our maximum page count.

How do I format my script?
We recommend using screenplay software such as Final Draft, Movie Magic Screenwriter, Celtx, or Fade In to write and format your script. The default layouts for screenplays are typically accepted throughout the industry. Specs in recent years have strayed on a few things (like the occasional uses of bolded sluglines) but as an unproduced writer, your safest bet is to stick with the established standards in formatting and just let your writing show your unique voice.

Are novels, short stories, stage plays or teleplays allowed?
No. This is a screenwriting competition for feature scripts only. If you've written an adaptation of existing source material, please make sure you can prove you own 100% of the rights to the source material (or verify that the source material is public domain under US Copyright Law at the time of entry.)

I've changed the script since entering. Can I enter a revised draft?
We may allow this on a case-by-case basis. In general, we recommend that you proofread your entry draft and make sure it's the draft you'd like to enter. We are under no obligation to accept any revisions.

If my script is optioned or sold after I enter, is it still eligible?
Yes. As long as it wasn't optioned or sold at the time you entered it, it will still be eligible. However, please notify us if your script has entered any sale or option agreement so that it can be omitted from being sent to production companies. It may still be considered by managers or agents.

Do you take any kind of ownership or rights over the screenplays entered into the contest?
No. The script will still be your intellectual property to control, sell and option.

If I sell or option the script after entering it into the contest, will you take a percentage of profits?
No. We'll only facilitate the exposure of winning scripts and finalist loglines to working professionals in the industry - we will not take any kind of percentage or ownership in doing so.

If I won a previous round of the Breaking Walls contest, can I enter again?
You, as a writer, are still eligible to enter future rounds. To be fair to other entrants, however, your winning script cannot be entered again.

Can I enter an action-thriller or horror-thriller script?
We're open to thrillers of all kinds including ones that overlap with other genres, such as horror (ex. DEVIL) and action (ex. TAKEN). Thrillers are driven by tension, suspense, excitement and anticipation so if the meat of your story fits that description, there's a good chance it fits the genre.



- International entries are allowed but the script must be written in English.
- The submitted script must be in PDF format and must be submitted electronically.
- A title page with contact information must be included with every submitted script.
- The script must be 40 to 160 pages in 12pt Courier (or Courier Final Draft) with standard screenplay margins and spacing, and pages must be numbered.
- The script must be unproduced at the time of submission and must be an original screenplay intended for the medium of feature film and the submitter must own 100% of the rights to the script when submitting. Adaptations are eligible as long as the writer can prove full ownership of the original property or life rights (or if the source material is public domain according to US Copyright law.)
- If the script is written by a writing team, it must be submitted by one of the writers with the consent of the other (any and all prizes will be sent to the writer who submitted the winning script, it is the responsibility of the writing team to share or divide the prizes.)
- All entries must be received on or before midnight (Pacific Time) on the date of the deadline and must be paid in full to be considered.
- There is no limit to the number of different scripts you may submit. Duplicate entries of the same project, however, will be automatically disqualified.
- Once a script has been submitted, no substitutions will be accepted. No corrected pages or revised drafts allowed.
- The decisions of the judges are final and shall not be disputed. The contest and its coordinators may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions by the judges.
- By entering the contest, the writer(s) understand that there is no guarantee of representation (by an agent or manager) and/or production in the event that a script is chosen as a winner. Consideration of the script is given for the sole purpose of choosing a winner for the contest.
- All scripts submitted must be registered with the WGAw and/or the US Copyright Office before the time of submission.
- The entry fee must be paid in US Dollars and are nonrefundable. Winners who may be awarded a cash prize shall be responsible for his or her own income tax. If a winner is awarded a cash prize, the entrant is responsible for providing an accurate PayPal address or bank account to receive the cash prize.
- Previous winning scripts are NOT eligible. (Other scripts by the winning writer are still eligible.)

Contact Information

16192 Coastal Highway

Lewes, DE


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