Emily grew up in Eden Prairie, Minnesota and received her B.F.A. in acting from Carnegie Mellon University. After moving to Los Angeles, she performed stand-up comedy, completed the Groundlings program, and sharpened her writing skills at UCLA Extension. Emily has a diverse portfolio of comedies, thrillers, and horror. She aims to write character driven pieces with a strong focus on female voic...

Jay Cipriani received his BA in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from West Virginia University, studied film at New York University s Tisch School of the Arts and received his MFA in Film Production from The University of Southern California s School of Cinematic Arts. Jay began his career in story development and production working with writer/director Barry Levinson, producers Pau...

Mike Doyle is a professional screenwriter currently repped by Jeff Belkin at Zero Gravity. He's in the process of working with Arcana Comics, Exit 44, and getting ready to go into production on a supernatural/horror feature. He's written projects featuring Milla Jovovich, Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), and Henry Ian Cusick (Lost, The 100) He's also written, produced, and directed short-form thrille...

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