Simon produced television at the BBC, Channel 4, The World Bank, ABC, PBS, Discovery, Oxygen, Bravo, and Friends of the Earth. He produced the mockumentary feature film ‘Man of the Year , worked as an entertainment radio journalist, and worked in development with producers George Hickenlooper (Hick Town), Michael Phillips (The Last Mimzy), and Derek Gibson (Esther). Simon has written several co...
Jason M. Vaughn s first screenplay, a romantic science-fiction drama now titled THE GREEN SEA, was a grand-prize winner in the 2012 Script Pipeline Screenwriting Competition. It is being developed with Matthew G. Zamias of Picturesque Films. Jason s psychological indie thriller, EXXIE, however, was most responsible for landing him on ISA s Development Slate after ISA's own Max Timm read an earl...
Chris Pittas writes the dark/funny shows and movies that make you laugh harder than you should at a particularly awful moment and make you doubt your own moral compass. Chris feature script "SCORPIONS" is on Coverfly's Red List, Big Break's Top 10, Second Rounder in Austin Film Festival 2021, won Honorable Mention in ISA's Fast-Track and earned him a spot on ISA's Development Slate. His drama p...