ISA Presents: Scene Writing, an ISAConnect Webinar with Max Timm

International Screenwriters' Association 4 years ago

Additional credit to Demme, Jonathan, director. The Silence of the Lambs. Orion Pictures Corp., 1990. mgm, Studiocanal

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Scene Writing - Seeing the Details from a Bird's Eye-View
How Concept, Character & Structure Impact Your Scenes
What Creates Drama within Your Scenes?
Tackling Great Dialogue

We writers tend to think that real writing takes place within a scene - when we get into the excitement of writing INT. GREASY SPOON and come up with amazing scene direction visuals and incredible dialogue. Sure, this is a big part of what makes a screenplay great, but it's also a big part of what breaks a screenplay.

In this webinar, Max Timm will share examples of great scenes from famous movies and TV shows while breaking down how and why such scenes and dialogue work so well. From considering the movement of the characters (called "blocking"), and what a character says to another and why, he'll discuss the intricate elements of what makes a scene so memorable. Even more challenging will be covering how to write great dialogue (hint: it's one of the few elements of storytelling that isn't necessarily teachable from a consultant level...and he'll explain why).

So let's dive into this free monthly class with Max and the ISA. There will be a lot of information covered in one hour, and he will do everything he can to answer as many questions as possible. So come prepared. Put your creative thinking caps on. Get ready to write.

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